
Showing posts from June, 2010

So proud of Nyx's iniative to help out with the housework

I cannot agree more about how kids pick up behavioral attributes from parents so quickly.  Just yesterday Nyx quietly put away all the folded laundry that was left downstairs into all the appropriate rooms and cupboards upstairs without my knowledge.  She only came to tell me that she had done it when her chore was complete.  Of course I went to double check, haha! And I was so pleased that she actually did an excellent job.  Thank you baby girl. Now I wonder when Nya will start helping out voluntarily too..... =)  Nyx also makes her breakfast sometimes and will help me feed her little sis when she sees that I'm busy.

Summer holidays are here

This week Nyx doesn't have to go to school as the school is closed for the beginning of Summer break.  Although it means we don't have to wake up as early, I actually feel more worn out having to entertain, educate and care for two hyperactive balls of energy 24/7.  Today we went to the local animal shelter in town again to visit the residents and also popped by Legacy Park for some R & R.