21 Days Reset with Body Inc.
Taking on a detox program for 21 days might seem daunting for many. But if you think about the time we spend putting toxic stress on ourselves through modern lifestyle, its makes perfect sense to commit to a detoxification program once in a while. I recently completed the 2OneReset by Body Inc. and I have to say.... I only wish I'd done this earlier. Even for someone like myself who is considered very healthy, I was flabbergasted to realise how much toxins there were in my body because of sugar and processed foods consumption that takes time to be eliminated from our systems. Although I had a visceral fat level of 3 on a scale of 1 to 12 (1 being on the extreme good end and 12 on the other end), I was motivated to bring it down further to a 2 or 1 by incorporating the treatments and natural supplements from Body Inc. to safely achieve that. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="500"] First consultation with Jacelyn to assess my needs.[/caption] [c...