
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Start of Nykki’s British Council Journey

Ever since Nykki turned 4, I’ve been planning to send her for English enrichment classes so she can further cultivate her love for reading and writing just like her older sisters. I always believe that being able to speak and write is a basic, but to do it well can help one express themselves and communicate even better with others.   Nykki has always loved drama thanks to her sisters who created her own series of videos called The Nykki Show and this little munchkin has embraced public speaking from that moment on. As a parent I know that she has a love for sharing stories from her wild imagination and I’m more than happy to support her in developing this interest.   This is why I’m so glad that we managed to get a spot for Nykki to attend the British Council enrichment programme.   The British Council in Singapore Building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language is wha...

Sculptra for Natural Volumisation at Halley Medical Aesthetics: Secondtreatment

I always tell my students “change takes time, and the patience and wait is worth it”. This line also applies with the Sculptra treatment that I did at Halley Medica l   Aesthetic s with Dr. Terence Tan . Unlike several other types of treatment like hyaluronic acid fillers which are used to fill up a localized area of treatment, Sculptra stimulates our skin to generate its own collagen for more natural and healthy-looking skin. With the use of poly-l-lactic (PLLA), this treatment gives a more long-lasting volumizing effect and is ideal for those who prefer letting the body generate its own collagen naturally. I embrace aging, but I also intend to do it with less lines and droopy skin. Haha. I did the first Sculptra at Halley Medical Aesthetics and really appreciated how quickly and efficiently it was carried out. The second treatment was no different except that I was able to compare the difference and improvements from before I started the treatment as it does take time for the ...