That First Road Trip with Four young kids

So it's been almost 6 years since the hubs and I embarked on a road trip with the kids. The last time we drove across the different states was when we only had two kids and a baby in my belly. Now there's four of them aged between 10 and 1 so it's definitely a very different experience.

Well for one thing, the number of bags we have to pack along and the size of the cooler box have to be upsized!
Spending hours on the road also means keeping entertained in the car. And I must say the older kids have been nothing but helpful when it comes to the caring of the baby and being amazing travel companions. 


Though we've been to several of the pit stops below multiple times, the kids have obviously forgotten many of them and are seeing these places with a fresh set of eyes again. And it makes my heart sing to see them being so happy looking at snow capped mountains...... herds of cows grazing and canyons. Can't wait till we get to Vegas and bring them to see the Grand Canyon again! ❤



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