Nyx the part time nanny

When people ask me how I'm coping looking after 2 babies alone in France I usually tell them i'm having an easy time cos Nyx is really easy to look after.  And she even helps me look after Nya, seriously.  She helps me get diapers and butt wipes for Nya and herself and throws away the soiled ones in the bin.  She helps me with laundry by putting in and taking the clothes out of the washer and dryer, putting her toys back into the box after she's done playing, turns on the tele and the dvd player by herself to watch her videos and switches it off by herself after tt (needs reminding though).  When Nya's pacifier drops she puts it back into her baby sister's mouth and even helps me hold the milk bottle for Nya sometimes.  Even when the handkerchief or blanket gets pushed out of place by Nya, Nyx will help me tuck it back nicely.  In return for all this help, I only need to shower Nyx with tonnes of praise and affection.  Pretty good deal ain't it? *wink*


borseng said…
hahaha nyx and nya are so cute.... never had the chance. but congratulations on no 2!

shaun (chua b)
129 FWC. =)

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