Carnival Time in Nice

Upon our check-in to the hotel in Nice, we were greeted by the owner of the establishment who left such a positive impression on both guojun and I that we went online and wrote a very good review for his hotel. He told us there was huge annual Nice carnival going on right next to the beach which was a 5 minute walk from our hotel and that it was the last day too, before a firework display at night would mark its closure. We made it to the the main square where the carnival was taking place and at first all we could see was a sea of heads. People were throwing confetti everywhere and it was a myriad of colours and loud music. The atmosphere was truly amazing and I felt so lucky to be witness to this festival. The throng of enormous floats and performers marched through the streets from the main square to the beach and back with children and adults dressed in costumes for the event.


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