Lazy Sunday Morning

After I was done expressing milk for Nya this morning I returned to the bedroom to see the two little girls holding hands with their daddy man sort of in the way.  We usually don't let them sleep so close together, especially during this quarantine period. But somehow they just wriggled towards each other just to hold one another's hands.  It was a kodak moment...........


Unknown said…
OMG how come our nya face got rashes wat happen
thatmomoffour said…
ya.... poor baby. I think she's allergic to some cream I put for her cos the weather made her skin dry
Megan and Ryan said…
Try dexeryl dear, can help Nya heal faster otherwise can try, mustela (has a chapstick thingy for cold weather) or avene cold cream.
thatmomoffour said…
Sel, yeah we tried dexaryl. Actually we let the doc at the hospital take a look at it and he says its eczema. Recommended us to see a dermatologist so hopefully he can give us a solution quick. I suspect it was triggered by the weather change
Megan and Ryan said…
yup i agree, its the weather change definitely. Megan had it as well when she was around 3mths (when we just arrived in cazaux), must keep putting moisturizer on her, will go away eventually ;)

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