Healthier eating for our children with The Goodness Gang

Wellness isn’t just about being free from illness and disease. Being in optimal health requires us to be committed to a regular exercise regime and make better choices to our daily diet. 

Better put, food really is like medicine and what we consume can either nurture us or cause harm along the way. 

Multiple studies have shown how processed foods and diets high in sugar can even cause mental issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD and schizophrenia.

With the right education and knowing how to eat healthily, it can make a huge difference to the mental, physical and emotional wellbeing for our children and ourselves.

This month, Giant Singapore with the support of the Health Promotion Board  will be launching the Goodness Gang campaign to educate our little ones about the importance of healthy eating and to reinforce the message that consuming fruits and vegetables can be fun and tasty at the same time.


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