Appreciate the topsy turvy

When we are in our comfort zone, that is when we also become complacent and too comfortable. But that is also when our growth and development slows down and we don’t feel the need to strive and learn more or improve in our performance or knowledge.

Putting ourselves to the test or giving ourselves a challenge to overcome can very often allow us to discover something about ourselves that we’d otherwise never reveal if there wasn’t a need to breakthrough a situation or find a solution to something.

I thoroughly enjoy looking at things from different perspectives and appreciate the topsy turvy situations when they arise because I’m pretty darn sure that I’ll learn something along the way that I don’t know yet. With a two years old who has been down with a cold for two days, two older kids who are taking their common tests and a 6 year old who needs a lot of attention, I do feel a little off balance especially when it’s a a packed week from morning till night for me with teaching, prep work for talks, meetings, and admin.

Today I had a conversation with my oldest daughter who will be sitting for the PSLE this year. Although I’ve always encouraged all my kiddos to be diligent, disciplined and to work smart..... they often still face certain problems that textbooks and teachers cannot help them with. And what I shared with her about was that we’ll all face difficulties and problems at many junctures of our lives, but we need to figure out how to best deal with it and garner the support from the right sources when needed. There are skills and values that aren’t taught in school but right at home, and when we’re home with the kids, just being next to them isn’t enough. 

I do try my utmost best as a working parent for my babies and I do feel that I have to put in even more time and effort while their father is overseas. But knowing that they appreciate what you share with them about and the advice that you give them like I did this afternoon, it encourages me to continue giving my best. 

Topsy turvy can be challenging and fun!


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